As Christians, we believe in the Bible’s teaching that Jesus was fully God & yet also fully man. Because of His love for each one of us, He came down from Heaven to earth to restore the relationship between humanity and God that had been broken from the origins of Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden. God wasn’t finished with us there, in fact, He had a spectacular plan to restore us, His children, and bring us back into union with Him. Jesus walked the earth roughly 2000 years ago fully man & much of his early life
As Christians, we believe in the Bible’s teaching that Jesus was fully God & yet also fully man. Because of His love for each one of us, He came down from Heaven to earth to restore the relationship between humanity and God that had been broken from the origins of Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden. God wasn’t finished with us there, in fact, He had a spectacular plan to restore us, His children, and bring us back into union with Him. Jesus walked the earth roughly 2000 years ago fully man & much of his early life was spent preparing for His ministry that started fully at the age of 30. During His time on earth, Jesus performed many miracles, signs & wonders and healings for the people of Israel (and also non-jews) and went around teaching in the synagogues. We can read about the life of Jesus in the Bible today – the incredible things He did while on Earth have been recorded for us by the gospel writers and others. Famous for His followers and disciples, Jesus had a close ‘inner circle’ who went wherever He went, & then continued to share the good news of Jesus long after His resurrection from the dead that first Easter, after which Jesus returned to be with the Father in Heaven.
Ultimately, Jesus’ mission on earth was to finally sacrifice himself on the cross of calvary for us to fully pay the price and bear the weight of our sin so that we could be fully restored in relationship with our Father in Heaven. Jesus – who had done nothing wrong through His whole life – was arrested, tortured, mocked & beaten, made to carry his cross to the final place upon Calvary’s hill, and was then nailed to the cross & sacrificed so that we may live. 3 days later, Jesus was gloriously resurrected and risen from the dead leaving the grave empty to this day!
The story of Jesus and everything that He did for us on the cross is truly a story of redemption, forgiveness, love & mercy. We can experience this life-changing love for ourselves, as- by faith in Him, an exchange takes place where our sin and selfishness is exchanged for His righteousness. Jesus takes on our sin & gives us His right-standing with God.
The Bible gives us the best news that we could ever hope to hear, it is the good news of Jesus Christ and the price that Jesus paid once and for all, for everyone. The Bible says in John 3:16 (NIV) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” And in Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) it says this “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works,
The Bible gives us the best news that we could ever hope to hear, it is the good news of Jesus Christ and the price that Jesus paid once and for all, for everyone. The Bible says in John 3:16 (NIV) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” And in Ephesians 2:8-9 (NIV) it says this “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”
This is the Good News of Jesus. The punishment that should have been ours, was taken from us and placed on Jesus, that whoever believes will have eternal life. There is nothing that any of us can do in order to deserve our salvation; it’s only by faith in Jesus Christ. Our salvation is a gift that none of us deserves, as all of us have messed things up – as the Bible would describe it we’ve “fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). Salvation is given freely to us in love and mercy simply as a result of faith in Jesus. He completed everything on the cross… there is nothing that we can or need to do, except to believe in Him. He proclaimed this in His final breath when he declared “it is finished!” (John 19:30)
The cross is just the beginning of your story – not the end, and Jesus invites each and every one of us to respond to the Good News and live a life of fullness as we’ve never known before. Jesus is calling you on a journey with Him, to go deeper and to discover all that He has for YOU. We believe that in order to live for Jesus, we must be fully surrendered and repent (turn from) our old sinful lives and choose – with His daily help – to walk and live as He would have us do….to
The cross is just the beginning of your story – not the end, and Jesus invites each and every one of us to respond to the Good News and live a life of fullness as we’ve never known before. Jesus is calling you on a journey with Him, to go deeper and to discover all that He has for YOU. We believe that in order to live for Jesus, we must be fully surrendered and repent (turn from) our old sinful lives and choose – with His daily help – to walk and live as He would have us do….to “pick up our personal cross and follow Him” – wherever it may lead.
If you don’t know Jesus yet as your personal Lord and Saviour and you would like to learn more and find out what this means for you personally, we would love to talk to you and walk with you on your journey with God. Contact us today and our pastoral team will be in touch to answer any questions you may have.
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Designed by Phil Sola