Freedom is a unique opportunity for believers to grow from their personal experience of salvation and learn to move in order to live in the true freedom that Jesus has won for each of us; “Freedom” isn’t just for new Christians but for all Christians. Whilst there is a danger that describing “Freedom” as a discipleship course might – for some – make it seem mundane, the reality is that “Freedom” is the best aid to living truly FREE that we have come across in 20+ years of ministry. We believe that it’s even better than the excellent “Freedom in Christ” course that some may be familiar with.
Originally developed by the Church of the Highlands in America, we work with Kingdom Faith church in Horsham to deliver the course that successive Gracemead Groups have described as truly excellent and life-changing. The format is an initial 12-week course in small groups where we explore and cover/uncover just what it means to live every day in the freedom Jesus desires for us.
Finally, having laid some great foundations during the 12 weeks, we go on a 24 hour “Encounter Weekend” over a Friday & Saturday where you will be given the opportunity and space to let go of whatever may be holding you back from experiencing life in all its fullness. Not only will you find over the 12 week semester that you grow in faith & trust in God, but it is a great way to get plugged into Gracemead, meet new people & build friendships in the process.
Throughout the 12-week semester going through the curriculum, you will meet as a small group to encourage one another & discuss what God has been speaking to you about through each session. Our freedom groups are a safe place where you can ask questions, share experiences and talk honestly about your walk with Jesus. They are done in single-sex groups – for two main reasons. Firstly, this allows people to share things at a deeper level of things than they might share with someone of the opposite sex. And secondly, it allows couples with children to both go through the course together – ladies’ and men’s groups are on different days of the week. The resources are fantastic, and each week as a group you will cover a different topic of what it truly means to live in Freedom and to have a relationship with God without any barriers.
At the end of the 12 weeks, you will complete the course with a 24-hour weekend encounter, hosted by Kingdom Faith Church in Horsham where you will have an incredible opportunity to meet with God, & other Christians will come alongside you to pray over situations, thoughts, feelings that may be holding you back from everything God has for you. The purpose of this encounter weekend is to release everything that has been revealed to you over the previous 12 weeks & anything that comes up over the encounter weekend. By the end of the Freedom encounter weekend, you will be ready to move forwards into everything that God has for you! Time after time, everyone says that they are so glad they went on the course culminating in the amazing encounter they had with God over the weekend.
The Freedom Curriculum focuses on six areas of personal growth:
God never wanted us to pursue dead religion, rather His heart is for us to know Him personally and live in our true identity as His children. You will learn what it means to live in the “Tree of Life” and how a simple but powerful perspective shift can impact every area of your life.
The Bible talks about the Spirit-led life, but this kind of living can feel hard to reach. Through Freedom, you will learn the principles of spiritual order and how feeding your spirit over your emotions and flesh is key to walking in the Spirit.
God calls us to love and serve Him above all else, and when we do, we see how we can grow in our purpose, live forgiven and forgive others, and receive His blessings. Freedom will help you learn how to surrender to Jesus and live in freedom daily.
Our words have power, and by learning to speak words of life that line up with God’s Word, your words can change your environment and relationships and break the power of the enemy’s words in your life.
God has a unique plan and purpose for our lives, but we also have an enemy who is trying to keep us from fulfilling this purpose. In your Freedom Group, you will learn how to stand in the authority of Jesus to overcome sin and the enemy’s schemes as you allow God to use your life for His glory.
We all worship something. Freedom will help you learn how to daily direct your worship to God and discover how it can influence the heart of everything you do.